Berikut ini diberikan contoh karangan untuk tugas mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tentang penggunaan past tense masing-masing untuk tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA. Disertakan juga penjelasan untuk masing-masing contoh tulisan agar teman-teman sekalian dapat memahami materi dan penggunaan past tense.
Contoh-contoh karangan yang ditulis dalam bentuk past tense dengan tema “Pembelajaran Saat Pandemi Covid-19” berikut ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat kalimat dengan past tense, bukan untuk jiplak untuk tujuan pekerjaan rumah dan tugas lainnya.
Pengertian dan Fungsi Past Tense
Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui bahwa past tense merupakan jenis kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua (past verb) sebagai predikatnya. Fungsinya adalah untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang telah terjadi dengan bahasa sederhana.
Tips Membuat Kalimat Past Tense
Pada contoh-contoh berikut ini, semua kata yang dicetak tebal diatas merupakan kata kerja lampau (past verb) yang berfungsi sebagai predikat kalimat. Berdasarkan aturan tata bahasa Inggris, untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang telah terjadi, kita harus mengubah predikat kalimat kedalam past verb - contohnya ‘learn’ menjadi ‘learned’ dan ‘is’ menjadi ‘was’.
Meskipun demikian, tidak semua kata berbentuk verb harus diubah melainkan hanya predikatnya saja. Perhatikan contoh berikut.
- I go to school to learn English and to submit my assignments.
Pada contoh diatas, terdapat 3 kata kerja (verb) - yakni ‘go’, ‘learn’, dan ‘submit’ - namun kalimat tersebut hanya memiliki satu predikat. Jika kalimat diatas diubah kedalam bentuk past tense, maka kalimat tersebut menjadi:
- I went to school to learn English and to submit my assignments.
Mengapa kata kerja (verb) learn dan submit tidak disebut predikat meskipun keduanya adalah kata kerja? Jawabannya adalah karena pada contoh diatas, learn dan submit merupakan alasan. Jika dijelaskan kedalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat tersebut akan menjadi “Saya pergi ke sekolah untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dan untuk mengumpulkan tugas-tugas”. Dalam hal ini, jelas bahwa learn (belajar) dan submit (mengumpulkan) adalah alasan dari predikat go (pergi).
Setelah mengetahui pengertian, ciri, dan fungsi past tense, mari kita simak beberapa contohnya.
Contoh Karangan Past Tense Level SD
During Covid-19 quarantine, I and all my friends could only study at home. There was no choice left beside keeping ourselves safe from Coronavirus by staying at home. We learned like usual but the learning was conducted from home in front of computer or laptop or handphone. My mother helped and assisted me in learning everyday. When my teachers gave me homework, my mother helped me finishing all the homework.
During quarantine at home, what I usually did were just reading books and attending the classroom through Zoom Meeting or Google Meet, and played badminton in my backyard with my cousins. After learning, I sometimes helped my mom in the kitchen then watched TV. After that, I sometimes took a bath, took a nap, then played at home with my cousins. At night I sometimes slept earlier because I had to attend online class tomorrow morning except at saturday night. My classes were from Sunday to Saturday.
It was so sad because I could not play with all my friends during the quarantine. I was also so sad because I could not learn in my lovely classroom at school. But this situation made me have a lot of time with all my family members.
Contoh Karangan Past Tense Level SMP
Covid-19 caused me and all my friends to study at home. The government instructed that there should no any face to face meeting allowed during Covid-19 pandemic. We were all ordered to stay at home because it could be dangerous to be outside. Therefore, I had no classroom except online classroom conducted via Zoom Meeting or Google Meet. I was not the only one. All schools from other countries were also the victims of this pandemic.
During the quarantine, I completed everything at home. I learned all school subjects at home through online meeting. Sometimes I just played in my backyard with my cousins. My parents did not allow me to go outside.
In the morning, I woke up at 5 then took morning prayers with all my family members. After that, I read some chapters then I prepared myself for online school. In the afternoon, I sometimes played badminton in the backyard. After that, I took a bath then prepared myself for tommorrow classroom. Those were things I usually did during quarantine.
Contoh Karangan Past Tense Level SMA
Since Covid-19 attacked the world, all people, not only Indonesians but also people from all over the world, were ordered to stay at home. Everything should be done at home - working, learning, praying, and everything.
During the quarantine, I studied, from monday to saturday at home through websites and applications or softwares as required by my school. At first, it was so strange that we all could not meet our teachers at school like usual. But it was the fact that we should face - no any physical contact, no gathering, and no crowd.
When the government announced thing called ‘new normal’, people were allowed to go outside their home but schools and universities were still closed for teaching and learning process. In that kind of situation, I completed every tasks and homework at home. In completing my tasks and homework, I was usually helped by my brother and sister.
As usual, I woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning and then doing morning prayers. After that, I prepared myself for the online class. Although all the classes were conducted at home, but I had to wear my school uniform. That was the rule issued by my headmaster.
All classes took place like usual. At noon, I sometimes helped my mother in the kitchen and sometimes I washed my dad’s car. After helping my parents doing some things at home, I sometimes read some books or watched TV. At night, I repeated the lessons I learned. After that, I usually went to bed to take rest.